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Your one-stop marriage merrymaker...




Abby smiling, holding a microphone looking at groom while married couple stand in front of her holding hands

Your Celebrant

Meet Ab




Image of a couple with their hands in the air, audience is clapping and Abby is smiling in the background
"We have been dealing with Abby and her hitchin’ services for the better part of a year, organising our marriage ceremony. Her approach is full of joy, humour and fun, all beautifully balanced with professionalism, and skill as a speaker and celebrant. Every step of the way Abby made it clear what needed to happen, why it needed to happen and when. She honours the seriousness of marriage, without losing the heart, love and warmth from the process. She was highly organised, preparing our ceremony well in advance for us to provide feedback on, and was great at communicating every step of the way. But above all else, she took the time to “get” us, and our love, and weave that understanding through a beautiful, heartfelt, skilfully delivered ceremony. Our guests have since absolutely raved about her, complimenting every aspect of her delivery, ability to capture an audience and to tell a story. We genuinely enjoyed every moment we spent working with Ab, and could not recommend her more."

Emily & Dale

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